Anti-Fat Shaming is NOT Coddling

  In the past couple months there have been two very popular videos (see pics below – not sharing videos here) circulating basically calling all those with obesity lazy human beings (they used much harsher language). I made reference to this on Facebook on how these two are clearly ignorant to the complexities of obesity […]

Tired all of the time? Snore? Check for sleep apnea

Feel miserable every time you wake up? Always tired? Partner mention that you sound like a Harley when you sleep or even look like you stop breathing once in a while? Obstructive sleep apnea is something I screen for in every patient that comes to my office. In North America, up to 30% of guys have […]

Eat Less, Move More: Worst Advice Ever

Look at the cartoon above. Are you really going to willpower your way to weight loss success? I am not a psychiatrist or substance abuse specialist, but I know better than telling someone who is depressed to “cheer up” and an alcoholic to just “drink less” and it didn’t take my medical school degree to […]

The Top 6 Reasons Why You’re Hungry (and how to fix it)

  Okay before I get yelled at because people think this is “fat shaming,” I want to make it clear that all of these things will be explained. Hunger is one of the most common reasons that long-term adherence to a diet fails and explains why people eat too much. There are some strong physiologic […]

Is Money an Excuse for Unhealthy Living?

About a month ago I wrote about how you can eat healthy food for cheaper than McDonald’s.  While it is easy for me in my comfy home typing on my MacBook to discuss why there should be no excuses for not eating healthy foods in regards to money, it goes much deeper than the superficial […]