Is Money an Excuse for Unhealthy Living?

About a month ago I wrote about how you can eat healthy food for cheaper than McDonald’s.  While it is easy for me in my comfy home typing on my MacBook to discuss why there should be no excuses for not eating healthy foods in regards to money, it goes much deeper than the superficial […]

Red Meat Decreases Heart Attacks by 83%

Hopefully people actually clicked on this and are now reading this. I just made this up to see if people would actually read the blog before sharing or getting pissed off and writing something derogatory.  Based on my last blog post about obesity, it was clear that people did not read the blog. Anyway, red meat […]

Is Obesity a Choice?

Do you believe that obesity is due to laziness and a lack of will power? Do you think the solution is simply choosing to eat less and move more? Consider this story: For many of you, this story may make sense. For others, this may frustrate you. The story of Steve and Joe is very […]

Healthy Food is Cheaper than McDonald’s

I posted the following picture to my facebook page and it went somewhat “viral” (see shares). There was a lot of enthusiasm, but there were also a lot of people questioning the price of the steak I had here. It was a sirloin steak at around 10-12 bucks and was only 1/3 of a pound […]

We all “feel” flabby sometimes

Being an obesity physician (also family physician), I hear all the frustrations of my patients as they go through their weight loss journey. One of the most common, even after extensive weight loss, is “feeling” flabby (or insert other critique of one’s physique).  The patient could be doing absolutely great losing over 25% of their […]