
I actually like Planet Fitness… For my patients

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Multiple times I have heard my fitness fanatic friends talking about their disgust with Planet Fitness. Whether it is related to their high cardio to resistance training equipment or their free pizza nights, people into fitness really seem to hate Planet Fitness.

I like it though. I especially like it for my patients. It is VERY affordable and has EVERYTHING they NEED. Planet fitness also has less of the fitness fanatics, which intimidate my patients who are already scared of going to the gym in the first place. 

I do what is called “Lift with a Doc” where I go on one of my off days with a patient to help them with their resistance training efforts and get them acclimated to the gym. Planet fitness is one of the easiest places to do this as there are less meat heads (I am allowed to say this because I am one) and more normal general population people (like my patients) just trying to get healthier. 

Look, if you don’t like Planet Fitness, then just don’t go. Go to the hardcore gym or box in the area. Heck I made my own super duper garage gym. But don’t discourage normal people (not fitness freaks) from going just because of some pizza night or the lunk alarm. If you are looking for a gym and are easily intimidated, I recommend Planet Fitness. Also if you want to be my patient in the future – I will go with you 🙂

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