
What I am eating now – Week 12 Bodybuilding Prep

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I have been getting asked about what I am currently eating as I cut my weight down for my July 12th show.

Chicken Burgers and Chips

I am around 213 pounds (down from 225ish). Calories are down to around 2600 daily with my protein staying at about 220 grams and fat/carbs dropping like flies each week (currently 70/275 respectively). Most days I eat four meals.

Each morning I have 1-2 mugs full of AeroPressed coffee (Trader Joe’s Espresso Blend) along with 2 servings of egg protein powder, a banana, and about 5-10 grams of either peanut or almond butter. This breakfast has been consistent over the past few months. Some days I add in a Kind granola bar or an apple (or even an extra banana – GASP!).

Lunch is generally 1 cup of oats, 2 servings of whey (it is convenient to bring to the clinic), 85 grams of carrots, and a single serving of my favorite greek yogurt guacamole cup (I get them at Costco).

My next two meals are generally filled with meat (beef, chicken, turkey, and occasionally fish), veggies, and a starch. The starch component is getting less and less while the veggies increase for satiety purposes. See the above picture for an example (broccoli not shown). My favorite night is Tuesday…. because it is TACO TUESDAY! 


Pretty straight forward. Every day is consistent. Hunger is kept at bay as I increase vegetables. I don’t recommend two meals full of protein powder, but it is convenient for me and I kind of like the taste. 🙂

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